Sep 19, 2024  

Alcohol and Other Drugs

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Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol Regulations - Prohibited Conduct

The College reserves the right to confiscate, retain, and dispose of or destroy any and all alcohol related items regardless of value or ownership.

Students and their guests are expected to abide by the Code, this Policy, and state and local laws or ordinances relative to the possession, consumption, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. 

Alleged violations of the following regulations will initiate the student discipline process:

1.  Persons who are under 21 years of age may not possess or consume any alcoholic beverage or possess alcoholic beverage containers, full or empty, anywhere on campus, including in a residence hall room for the purpose of decoration. Underage students who are in locations where other persons are consuming or possessing alcohol and it is prohibited will be considered to be in violation of this Policy even if they do not have alcohol on their person.

2.  Persons who are 21 years of age or older may possess and consume alcohol in their residence hall room and/or in the common area of residence hall room. These persons who are 21 years of age or older may not offer, give, provide, or otherwise make alcohol available to anyone underage or to an obviously intoxicated person. 

3.  Alcohol may not be possessed or consumed in any public area of campus unless at a College sponsored activity at which alcohol is served in accordance with the guidelines provided for in this Policy. A public area is defined as those areas of the campus that are readily accessible to students, faculty, staff, and guests.  Public areas include, but are not limited to, lounges, lobbies, stairwells, balconies, hallways, roofs, classrooms, parking lots, courtyards, and outside areas.

4.  The promotion of binge drinking behavior (e.g., drinking games, funneling, etc.) or the possession of kegs, “party-balls,” “beer bongs,” “beer pong tables,” or similar common-source or oversized containers is not permitted on campus unless at a College sponsored activity at which alcohol is served in accordance with the guidelines provided for in this Policy. A common-source of alcohol is also defined as a quantity of alcohol more than can be responsibly consumed by an individual.

5.  Driving a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol is prohibited.

6.  Disorderly conduct, property destruction, violations of the rights of a roommate, intimidation, or other infringements of the rights of others as a result of alcohol use is prohibited. Intoxication or alcohol abuse is not an excuse for unlawful behavior or violations of the Code or other College policies.

7.  Alcohol is not permitted at athletic events or in and/or on College athletic facilities, unless at a College sponsored activity at which alcohol is served in accordance with the guidelines provided for in this Policy.

8.  Students and/or their guests may not furnish or attempt to furnish false information regarding their age and/or identity in order to possess or consume alcohol.

​College Responses for Alcohol

The responses outlined below are the potential outcomes for the violations listed. It should be noted that the Dean of Students, or designee, may determine alternative or additional responses on a case by case basis when warranted..

Category I (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code):

a.  Underage possession or consumption of alcohol.

b.  Possession or consumption in public; being present at a location where alcohol is being consumed and where it is a violation to possess alcohol.

c.  Furnishing or attempting to furnish false information regarding age and/or identity.

d.  Possession of a “beer bong,” “beer pong table,” or other alcohol related paraphernalia.

  • First Offense: education project or program; and written warning.

  • Second Offense: education project or program; and written warning or probation.

  • Third Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension or suspension; and/or stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension, parental notification. 

Category II: (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code). Regardless of age, student exhibits any of the following behaviors while under the influence of alcohol):

a.  Intoxication, disorderly conduct, verbally disruptive or abusive, physical assaults, vomiting but coherent and conscious.

b.  Providing alcohol to an underage or obviously intoxicated person.

c.  Possession of kegs or other common source or over-sized containers.

d.  Consumption of large quantities of alcohol regardless of physical appearance.

  • First Offense: education project or program; and written warning or probation.

  • Second Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension; and/or stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension.

  • Third Offense: education project or program; stayed suspension or suspension or expulsion; and/or residence hall suspension or residence hall expulsion, parental notification. 

Category III (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code).  Regardless of age, student exhibits any of the following behaviors):

a.  Vomiting and/or incoherent, unconscious, needed or received medical attention (including treatment by EMTs and/or transport to hospital, and/or including treatment at College sponsored events), loss of control of bodily functions, memory loss.

b. A pattern of alcohol abuse.

c. Driving a motor vehicle after the consumption of alcohol.

  • First Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension; and/or stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension.

  • Second Offense: stayed suspension or suspension or expulsion; and/or residence hall suspension or expulsion, parental notification. 

Cannabis Policy

Although California state law permits the recreational use of cannabis for persons over the age of 21 and permits the use of medical cannabis (i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued cannabis cards), Saint Mary’s College acts in accordance with federal law, specifically the Drug Free Schools and Community Act of 1989 (DFSCA). Thus, the College expects students and their guests to abide by federal laws that prohibit use, distribution, or consumption of cannabis on campus by anyone of any age for any reason. Cannabis is not allowed on College property, including campus housing, and is not permitted at any College sponsored events or activities off campus. The use, possession, or cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes is not allowed on any College property, including College housing, and is not allowed at any College sponsored event or activity off campus. 

Illegal Drugs Regulations - Prohibited Conduct

The College reserves the right to confiscate, retain, and dispose of or destroy any and all drug related items regardless of value or ownership. All illegal drugs or controlled substances and paraphernalia will be impounded and are subject to forfeiture without reimbursement or return to the person from whom they were confiscated.

Alleged violations of the following regulations will initiate the student discipline process:

1.  The possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of any controlled substance, illegal drug and drug paraphernalia, or the association with gatherings involving such possession, use, or distribution is prohibited. Drug paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to, bongs, pipes, hookahs, water pipes, “whip- its,” and roach clips. Students who are in locations where any controlled substance or illegal drug is being used will be considered in violation of this Policy even if they do not have the substance or drug on their person.

2.  Possession of large quantities (28.5 grams or more) or the actual or attempted sale, distribution, cultivation, or manufacture of any controlled substance, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited.

3.  The illegal use of or misuse/abuse of prescription or other legal drugs is prohibited.

4.  Driving a motor vehicle after having used any illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited.

College Responses for Illegal Drugs

The responses outlined below are a list of potential outcomes for these violations.  It should be noted that the Dean of Students, or designee, may determine alternative or additional responses on a case by case basis, including parental notification.

Category I (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code):

a.  Possession of drug paraphernalia or objects that could be used as drug paraphernalia.

b.  Being in a location where controlled substances or illegal drugs are present.

  • First Offense: education project or program; and, written warning.
  • Second Offense: education project or program; written warning or probation; and, $50.00 fine.
  • Third Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension or suspension; stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension; and, $100.00 fine.

Category II (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code):  

a. Possession and/or use of any controlled substance or illegal drug regardless of quantity, including seeds and/or residue.

b. Illegal use of or misuse/abuse of prescription or other legal drugs.

  • First Offense: education project or program; written warning or probation; and, $50.00 fine.
  • Second Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension; stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension; and, $100.00 fine.
  • Third Offense: education project or program; stayed suspension or suspension or expulsion; residence hall suspension or residence hall expulsion; and, $150.00 fine

Category III (Any one of the conditions listed constitute a violation of this section of the Code):

a. Possession of a large quantity (28.5 grams or more) or the actual or attempted sale, distribution, cultivation, or manufacture of any controlled substance or illegal drug.

b. Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances.

  • First Offense: education project or program; probation or stayed suspension; stayed residence hall suspension or residence hall suspension; and, $100.00 fine.
  • Second Offense: stayed suspension or suspension or expulsion; residence hall suspension or expulsion; and, $150.00 fine.

Guidelines for Events Where Alcohol Will Be Available

All events at which students may be in attendance (sponsored by any campus constituency) and alcohol is served must be registered and/or approved through Student Involvement & Leadership (SIL). Please contact SIL at 925-631-4704 for information. The 1928 Pub, the Athletics Department, and approved Club Sports are approved to coordinate the legal service of alcohol and are not included in these guidelines.

Visit the College website for specific details regarding the guidelines for events where alcohol will be available.

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