Feb 13, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Latin Dance Minor
The minor in Latin Dance allows the student to have concentrated study in Baile Folklorico/Mexican Folk Dance and other dance genres of the Latine diaspora. Students will take 9 units in movement courses and a minimum of 9 units in theory courses that further support studies in Latine culture, history, literature and/or religion. Most theory classes will also count for the Core.
Lower Division
The following lower-division courses are required for the minor. LD Movement Classes
Take three movement classes from the following list. Courses may be repeated. UD Movement Classes
Take Dance-323 four times. UD electives
Take a minimum of 6 units from the following list. For courses with prerequisites, Latin Dance minors should contact the instructor of the course before registration to seek a prerequisite waiver. GRS 306 may be petitioned to count as an elective if the topic covers Latin America. Notes
**Prerequisites for DANCE 498 include Chor II and III |