Mar 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The Biology Department offers a full range of courses designed to introduce undergraduate students to the major areas of modern biological science. The primary goals of the department are to prepare students for advanced study and research in biology and related sciences; for postgraduate study in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and the other health professions; and for careers in education, industry, agriculture, and government service. 


Rebecca Jabbour, PhD, Professor Evolution, Anatomy, Chair

James Berleman, PhD, Associate Professor Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Genetics

Carla C. Bossard, PhD, Professor Terrestrial Ecology, Plant Science

Vidya Chandrasekaran, PhD, Professor Developmental Genetics, Biochemistry, Physiology

Jessica Coyle, PhD, Assistant Professor, Ecology

Keith E. Garrison, PhD, Professor Immunology, Genetics, Molecular Biology

Khameeka Kitt-Hopper, PhD, Associate Professor Cell and Molecular Biology, Anatomy and Physiology


Michael P. Marchetti, PhD, Fletcher Jones Professor of Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Conservation Biology, Invasive Species

James Pesavanto, PhD, Associate Professor Biochemistry, Molecular Biology

Sonya Schuh, PhD, Associate Professor Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Physiology

Gregory R. Smith, MS, Professor Anatomy, Physiology

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate with a major in biology will be able to:

  •  DEMONSTRATE a solid knowledge in all three major areas of biology: molecular and cellular, organismal and ecology and evolutionary.
  •  ANALYZE logically and critically scientific information.
  •  APPLY knowledge they have already mastered from current and previous courses to the exploration of new areas of inquiry.
  •  COMMUNICATE skillfully through written and oral reports.
  •  USE biological methodology competently for laboratory research.
  •  INTEGRATE an awareness of ethical issues with their understanding of and work in biology.

Suggested Biology Major Program

A suggested four-year program of study for a major in biology is available from department faculty. Faculty advisors should be consulted on a regular basis to assist in selecting courses and arranging specific curricula relating to fulfillment of major and core curriculum requirements, as well as particular career goals and personal interests. Students may select courses of their choice for remaining electives. It is important to note that some upper-division courses are not offered every year.

Prerequisite Grade

Any course listed in this department with a prerequisite assumes a grade of C- or better in the prerequisite course.


    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of ScienceMinor


      Biology - Lower DivisionBiology - Upper Division