JAN 317 - The Science of Happiness and Well-Being Type: Remote
Course Meeting Days & TimesT/TH, plus the first Friday of the semester: 2:10 pm - 5:15 pm
Instructor(s): Strahilevitz, Michal
Email: ms9@stmarys-ca.edu
Fee: $0
Course Description: In this class, you will learn about research-based techniques for increasing happiness and well-being. The course features lectures, in-class discussions and opportunities to share what you have learned from your weekly assignments. There will be readings and videos assigned. However, the vast majority of time outside of class will be spent carrying out a variety of experiential happiness assignments and reflecting upon the effects of these science-based tools on your own happiness and well-being. There will also be opportunities to discuss and share what you learn with others in the class.
Prerequisites & Notes None
Credits: 3
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