JAN 116 - Laugh at Me, Please! An Intro to Stand Up Comedy Please Note: Level 100 courses are ONLY open to first-year students.
Type: In-Person
Course Meeting Days & Times: MTThF, 12:00 PM-2:30:00 PM
Instructor(s): Chavez, Anastasia
Email: amc59@stmarys-ca.edu
Fee: $90
Course Description: Do you like to laugh? Do you enjoy it when other people laugh? And is it extra thrilling when those people are laughing AT YOU? In this course, we will learn the fundamentals of stand-up comedy through a variety of mediums: daily readings, daily writing and developing of new material both individually and in community, short videos, guest speakers, and frequent opportunities to stand up with a mic and find the funny. We will explore the history of comedy, learn to dissect and discern comedic approaches and aim to build a supportive, encouraging, empowering, and inclusive environment. This is also a great course to develop public speaking skills and learn to spice up your next presentation. We will have at least one field trip to enjoy stand-up comedy (all ages show). The class will culminate with a Comedy Showcase at the 1928 Pub on the SMC campus where each member will have a 5-minute slot to keep us in stitches. This will be open to the public, family and friends are welcome!
Prerequisites & Notes None
Credits: 3
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