Mar 11, 2025
BIOL 134 - Protecting Biodiversity Lower Division
The primary goal of this class is to introduce students to basic concepts of evolution, ecology and conservation in the service of protecting planetary biodiversity. The course will often focus on California, and how the natural history, ecology and issues within our state relate to topics elsewhere in the US and abroad. The information contained in this course will provide some of the intellectual tools necessary to understand the worldwide environmental crisis we are living through and some possible solutions. Students will be expected to develop a deeper appreciation for the intricacy and beauty of natural systems. Attention will be placed on honing the student’s general knowledge of the scientific method through in-class exercises.
Core Curriculum Designation(s) SCIU - Scientific Understanding: Lecture, SCIUL - Scientific Understanding: Lab
Repeatable No
Additional Notes Previous course number: BIOL 034
Course credits: 4
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