Dec 26, 2024
ES 050 - Creating Community: Introduction to Skills for Building a Socially Just Society Lower Division
Prerequisites ES 001 or with instructor’s permission.
In a multicultural society, discussion about issues of conflict, community, and social justice are needed to facilitate understanding between social/cultural groups and leadership for a new world. This course is designed to prepare students to engage in informed and meaningful interpersonal and community dialogue, engagement, advocacy, and activism. We will discuss relevant reading material about contemporary issues and campaigns in our society. We will examine personal narratives as well as interdisciplinary contributions to various groups’ experiences and social movement campaigns based in community building. We will focus on issues of equity, justice, relationality, and the common good, and how to address them through community representation, service-learning, and organizing. One goal of this course is to create a setting in which students engage in open and constructive dialogue, learning, and exploration of intergroup relations, conflict and community building and organizing. As a Community Engagement (CE) course, students are required to fulfill the College requirement of 20 hours of service with a designated community partner in order to pass the course.
Core Curriculum Designation(s) AD - American Diversity; TCG - The Common Good; CE - Community Engagement
Term Offered Spring terms
Course credits: 1
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